Disclaimer: The information contained within this website is provided to assist people in understanding the guaifenesin protocol and does not offer medical advice. The UK-FMS-GUAI discussion group is not responsible for any errors, omissions or contents of its items. The contents of this website does not necessarily reflect the views of members of UK-FMS-GUAI. UK-FMS-GUAI does NOT endorse the advertisements on this website. They have nothing to do with the guaifenesin protocol and some of the products would directly interfere with the treatment. We are powerless to prevent them because Tripod, who provide free webspace, have put them there.
What are salicylates? Plants produce salicylates as a way of defending themselves from soil bacteria. Salicylates can be either natural or synthetic (manufactured in a lab). Salicylates (both natural and synthetic) have the ability to block the action of guaifenesin. Many topical products contain salicylates (either plant ingrediants or synthetic salicylates) and when applied to the skin they are easily absorbed into the bloodstream and can then block guaifenesin. So to allow the guaifenesin to do its job you must avoid salicylates in your skincare, haircare and oral hygiene products. You also cannot use any herbal products or supplements containing plant extracts as these are concentrated enough to block. Food quantities of plants, eg herbs in cooking, eating fruits and vegetables are fine! The exception would be chewing mint gum or taking herbal teas which have medicinal properties (they will list ingrediants in mg on the packet). These can be strong enough to block. (Some 'guaiers' have also blocked on Earl Grey tea which contains bergamot oil). Synthetic salicylates are more easily detected because the names usually contain salicylate or sal in them. One exception is meradimate (see the links below for more detailed information). You cannot take any medications containing aspirin - because aspirin is salicylic acid. Avoid any product with a plant name listed in the ingredients (this could be the plant name alone, or could say oil, gel or extract after it). UK products often list plant ingredients under the Latin name (as in gardening). Some of the most common are listed here with their Latin names:
Avoid mint flavour in anything - mint is methyl salicylate and a potent salicylate.Toothpaste often contain hidden mint in the flavour even if its not listed. Only use the toothpastes listed in our products list. See below. Claudia Marek has compiled a quick check reference and screening test to help you:
You can find many of the most common salicylate-free ingredients here:
Dr St Amand's book has a chapter explaining the salicylate issue. www.fibromyalgiatreatment.com will have the latest information about salicylates. There is also a FAQ forum on the website with a whole section where Claudia answers many of the common questions about salicylates (www.fibromyalgiatreatment.com/FAQs.htm). IMPORTANT: New EU Regulations from March 2005 mean that all manufacturers have been required to list the top 20 allergens which can be contained within the "parfum" listed on a product label. These include benzyl salicylate, geraniol and coumarin. These three ingredients are salicylates and can block if they are a separate ingredient in the product. If they are part of the parfum they are in tiny quantities and won't block. If you want to use a product listing these ingredients, we recommend you check with the manufacturer to find out if they are part of the parfum and therefore ok or a separate ingredient which could block. We have a list of 'sal-safe' products checked by members of our group. There is also a second list with all the ingredients of the products which can be used to check they remain the same. You can also access an explanation of the parfum legislation, a template for contacting manufacturers about parfum ingredients and a salicylate quick check card to help you when you go shopping. Please note that as these documents are stored in the discussion group's files, you must first join the discussion group to have access to them. You will need to sign in with your Yahoo ID and password to access the documents. Click the subscribe page to join the group. Important: if you find products listed on other websites, please be aware that products ingredients can vary between the EU and other parts of the world, so something that is sal-safe in America may not be here! Please double-check ingredients.
Website created by Jo Gallagher on behalf of the UK-FMS-GUAI discussion group. The website is checked periodically to ensure that it is working properly. If you do encounter any difficulties, including broken links, then please email me. Jogallag @ hotmail . com Copyright © 2007 |