Disclaimer: The information contained within this website is provided to assist people in understanding the guaifenesin protocol and does not offer medical advice. The UK-FMS-GUAI discussion group is not responsible for any errors, omissions or contents of its items. The contents of this website does not necessarily reflect the views of members of UK-FMS-GUAI.  UK-FMS-GUAI does NOT endorse the advertisements on this website. They have nothing to do with the guaifenesin protocol and some of the products would directly interfere with the treatment. We are powerless to prevent them because Tripod, who provide free webspace, have put them there.




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You can access email that is sent to the group by other members.

You will also be able to send your own email to the group and get the information, support and advice you need to help you deal with the guaifenesin protocol.

Who can join?

If you have fibromyalgia and are interested in or already following the guaifenesin protocol, then you are invited to join our discussion group.

How do I join?

Just type your email address in the box below and click on the 'Join Now' button! 

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Website created by Jo Gallagher on behalf of the UK-FMS-GUAI discussion group.
The website is checked periodically to ensure that it is working properly. If you do encounter any difficulties, including broken links, then please email me. Jogallag @ hotmail . com
Copyright © 2007